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Automatic plating equipment production line on the production line five solutions

From the automatic plating equipment production line product development and design, manufacturing to sales of the entire process should be standardized, scientific, institutionalized; the introduction of assembly line, by changing the production process to promote rapid assembly operations, not only improve the production efficiency, The operating costs, improve enterprise management efficiency. :

1, adjust the load carrier group. Automatic plating equipment production line in the middle of the entire conveyor can be adjusted when the position of the roller group to adjust the deviation; in the manufacture of the roller group on both sides of the installation hole are processed into long holes in order to adjust. The specific method is to which side of the roller group, which side of the roller group forward direction, or the other side of the backward shift. In the upward direction, the lower part of the roller group should be moved to the left and the upper part of the roller group is moved to the right.

2, the installation of aligning roller group. There are many types of aligning roller sets, such as intermediate rotary shaft, four-link type, vertical roller, etc. The principle is to use the block or roller in the horizontal direction of the rotation or block the horizontal thrust to automatically adjust the deviation to the deviation purpose. It is generally advisable to use this method when the overall length of the conveyor is shorter or when the furrow is run in both directions, because the shorter conveyor is more prone to deviation and is not easy to adjust. The long conveyor is best not to use this method, because the use of aligning roller group will have a certain impact on the service life.

3, adjust the drive roller and reorient roller position. Driving the drum and the adjustment of the drum is an important part of the deviation adjustment. Because a conveyor has at least 2 to 5 rollers, all drums must be mounted perpendicular to the centerline of the length of the conveyor. If the skew is too large, the deviation will occur. The whole method is similar to adjusting the roller group. For the head roller, such as the right side of the drum to the deviation, then the right side of the bearing seat should move forward, the conveyor to the left side of the roller deviation, the left side of the bearing should move forward, the corresponding also The rear bearing or the right side of the housing can be moved backwards. The tail roller is adjusted in the opposite direction to the head roller. After repeated adjustment until it is transferred to the ideal position, in the adjustment drive or reoriented roller before the best to accurately install its position.

4, tension at the adjustment. Tension adjustment is a very important part of the conveyor deviation adjustment. The two rewinding rollers in the upper part of the hammer tension should be perpendicular to the gravitational perpendicular to the longitudinal direction, ie to ensure that the centerline of the axis is horizontal. When tension is applied with a screw tension or a hydraulic cylinder, the two bearing housings of the tension roller should be translated at the same time to ensure that the roller axis is oriented vertically in the longitudinal direction. The specific deviation of the adjustment method is similar to the adjustment at the drum.

5, automatic plating equipment production line bi-directional operation of the conveyor deviation adjustment than the one-way deviation of the adjustment is relatively difficult, in the specific adjustment should first adjust a direction, and then adjust the other direction. Adjust the time to carefully observe the relationship between the direction of movement and deviation trend, one by one to adjust. The focus should be on the drive roller and adjust the adjustment to the drum, followed by the adjustment of the roller and the material blanking point adjustment. At the same time should pay attention to the cross-section in the direction of the cross-section of the force evenly, in the use of guide chain when the two sides of the force as much as possible equal

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